The gist

Creating an array

local arr=(item1 item2 item3)

Creating an associative array

# Only Bash 4
declare -A myDict
myDict=(["key"]="value" ["key2"]="value2")

Looping over an array

local arr=(one two three)

# This loops over an assigned array
for item in "${arr[@]}"; do
  echo "$item"
# This loops over an intermediate array
# Note that here, we delimit by comma instead of space
for item in {one, two, three}; do
	echo "$item"
declare -A myDict
myDict=(["key"]="value" ["key2"]="value2")

# A loop over associative arrays (dicts).
# Note the ! when expanding the array
for key in "${!myDict[@]}"; do
  echo "Key: $key"
  echo "Value: ${myDict[$key]}"

Shifting array

arr=(item1 item2 item3)
echo "${arr[*]:1}"
> item2 item3